Ex Rental Home Specials    **Offer not available to businesses**

Note: All products are ex rentals , have had a full service and come with an Espressoworkz return to base 3 month warranty. Prices exclude freight and must be paid for prior to delivery. May not include manuals and original packaging. Each offer is only available while our stocks last regardless of if the web says we still have some left, products must be bought over the phone or web as we don't have a retail outlet

  Product Description Web/ Cash Price
Royal Professional (Our most popular model)


24  months old

Automatic milk frother with rapid steam, it brews espresso and froths milk by automatically pulling milk directly from a container and dispensing the heated frothed milk into a cup $1295

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Royal Cappuccino (Pannarello steam wand option)

**3 only**

12-18  months old

Top of the line and elegant stylish design it brews espresso and froths milk at the same time at the touch of a button, with dual pumps and boilers (no auto milk frother included) $1195

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EspressoWorkz Limited, PO Box 67 141, Mt Eden, Auckland, New Zealand  Ph:09 336 1642,Fax: 09 336 1645   Email:[email protected]