Auckland Showroom
N ational
and SAECO repair centre is located at:
100 Mt
Eden Rd, PO Box 67141, Mt Eden, Auckland, New Zealand
Ph: 09 623 0063 Fax:
09 623 0019 toll free 0800 377 737
email:[email protected]
(Hours 8.30am - 5.00 pm
Mon-Fri 10am -2pm Sat)
For Map
Wellington sales
call Fiona direct on 0274925681
68-74 Kingsford Smith
Street, Rongotai, Wellington.
South Island sales call Anna direct on 0274925020 170
Hazeldean Rd, Addington, Christchurch
Video tour of our operation:
In July 2009, Espressoworkz opened new premises
at 100 Mt Eden Road, Auckland.
The building is a combination office, showroom,
repair workshop and warehouse, so it meets ALL the needs of
SAECO customers all under one roof. with heaps of customer
parking out front.
So if you're in the neighborhood please drop by
and we can show you the latest in SAECOs world leading Automatic
Equipment for the home and office, coffee accessories and
cleaning products, or if you need stocks of freshly roasted
coffee supplies!
Talk to the Managing Director
At Espressoworkz, we are dedicated to excellence in customer service. We
believe that every customer is an important asset and that your feedback is
valuable to the growth of our company.
We also believe that it shouldn't be difficult to get your message to
"someone in charge". That is why we have created our Talk to the MD program.
Please let us know what you think. Every email will be personally read by our
Managing Director, Martin Howard
Click here to email our Managing Director