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Cristallo 400

Cristallo 400 is the new Saeco vending machine intended for offices and medium to large vending environments.
It automatically provides cups, sugar and stirrers. With its 300 cups capacity, it is the undisputed leader in its class.  The Espresso model is available 9-g group - dose adjustment  -  Refined in design and with great autonomy, it offers lots of drinks with flexiblity. Like all Saeco vending machines, the new Cristello is simple to program and easy to use and service.

Product Capacity
Coffee beans 3 kg
Powdered milk 2.7 kg
Instant tea or soup 3.8 Kg
Powdered chocolate 5.4 Kg
Sugar 2.6 Kg
Instant Coffee 2 Kg
Cups 300
Stirrers 300
Mixer Bowl 3

Pricing excludes GST, freight, consumables and coin mechanism and water tank option



0800 377 737
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Auckland Showroom 100 Mt Eden Rd,
Hours 8.30am - 5.00 pm Mon-Fri  10am -2pm Sat 09 6230063

Wellington region Sales call Fiona direct on 0274925681
68-74 Kingsford Smith Street, Rongotai, Wellington.

South Island Sales call Anna direct on 0274925020
170 Hazeldean Rd, Addington, Christchurch



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0800 ESPRESSO (377737)
[email protected]


100 Mt Eden Road, Auckland
MON TO FRI: 8.30am - 5pm
SAT: 9am - 3pm
