Independent Coffee Equipment Reviews



Prices include GST and exclude freight


Which Domestic Espresso Machine should you buy?

Cafe Magazine (Summer 2001-2002) puts some of the latest domestic espresso machines to a consumer test. (Note: Prices mentioned are Australian $)

Download Article (920k PDF)                 


Espresso Machines With Grunt

Cafe Magazine (Autumn 2002) reviews top of the line manual and fully automatic machines.

Download Article (980k PDF)


Text Box: Enclosed are copies of independent reviews rating what we have on offer verses the competition. To check out how we stacked up download the articles below.
(These are BIG files , dont go there if your on a dial up and in a hurry)


EspressoWorkz Limited New Zealand  Ph:0800 377 737,Fax: 64 9 630 6619  Email:[email protected]