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Our vending machines offer a variety of espresso beverages brewed fresh from whole beans with the push of a button. These machines automatically grind, tamp dose, dispense your beverage and dispose of the used coffee
grinds every time you push the button. Features like removable brew group, removable product bins and puck drawer make these machines easy to clean and maintain. The Vending machines can easily be customized to fit your application by offering not just espresso and coffee, they can additionally serve drinks like hot chocolate, chai tea and soups. The diversity of beverages, ability to run from plumbed water lines or water tank and choice of coin mech or no coin mech allows multiple applications from offices to hotels and everything in between. Cutting edge technology, multiple features and a wide variety of beverages reassures that we have a Vending machine that is right for you.
Product Description Item Rental   36month financed Purchase Price

Group 200

SAECO's SG 200 is the newest  Saeco vending machine intended for offices and smaller  vending environments.
It automatically provides cups, sugar and stirrers

*Our most popular selling vending Machine

Without Base

With Base

Add non change giving coiner


Service cover (Auck only and all consumables must be purchased from Espressoworkz)






included in rental








optional service agreement  $30/month



SAECO's 8P vending machine intended for larger offices and vending environments.
It automatically provides cups, sugar and stirrers
Unit with base

Add non change giving coiner

Service cover (Auck only and all consumables must be purchased from Espressoworkz)




included in rental






optional service agreement  $35/month


Rentals are available to companies or businesses only and are subject to Espressoworkz approval and credit criteria. GST is Excluded from these prices. Freight & Installation charges  may also apply. Pricing may change at any time at Espressoworkz discretion.

Authorized Agent

 Espressoworkz Limited New Zealand  0800 377 737  Email:[email protected]

Auckland Showroom 29 Nugent Street, Hours 8.30am - 5.00 pm Mon-Fri, 09 3361642  Click For Map